Ellis Therapeutic Consultants delivers direct and consultative treatment services to individuals and groups in the school setting. We provide push-in and pull-out services to children through 22 years of age. Our clinicians provide the classroom teacher with strategies and accommodations that will help each child succeed, and work to create annual goals that will drive academic achievement and therapeutic progress.
Services include:
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Behavior Support
Ellis Therapeutic Consultants focuses on the whole child. We provide the mental health and behavior management support necessary in the school environment, with services ranging from routine counseling to emergency support. Our clinicians work in the school environment, observing and identifying ways in which teachers can be proactive and encourage positive classroom behaviors.
Ellis Therapeutic Consultants provides comprehensive assessments in all areas of learning and development. Whether the issue is a suspected developmental delay, or simply understanding how a child learns differently, we utilize both standardized and non-standardized assessment tools, taking into consideration key factors such as age, intellectual functioning, motor functioning, and developmental status. Our experts are skilled at using the most advanced standardized testing measures to assess cognitive, social, emotional, motor, and language skills.
We understand that one size does not fit all, and substitute play-based and other alternative testing measures when necessary. Each comprehensive evaluation includes a written overview of skills and challenges, with concise summaries and recommendations for school and home implementation.
At the request of the client, we will provide recommended goals and objectives to accompany the evaluation, to be used for treatment planning and IEP development.
Ellis Therapeutic Consultants provides the following assessments:
- Occupational Therapy Evaluation
- Speech and Language Evaluation
- Physical Therapy Evaluation
- Auditory Processing Evaluation
- Assistive Technology Evaluation
- Psychoeducational Assessment
- Comprehensive Psychological Assessment
- Educational Testing
We are available to provide in-person or conference call review of all evaluations, as well as goals and objectives.

As providers of related services, we recognize that there is a great deal of training and organization required when orchestrating special education services in regular education and special education programs. Our extensive experience working with directors, coordinators, educators, and classroom aides provides us with the ability to offer direction and development for new programs/organizations.
We offer staff training, as well as consulting to special education coordinators in order to create models for efficiency and compliance.
Our staff training opportunities include the following topics:
- Sensory integration strategies for the classroom
- Self regulation: Understanding and supporting with Zones of Regulation
- Sensory Diets (Implementation and development of sensory diets)
- Behavior management and promoting positive classrooms
- Programming for behavior and the importance of data tracking
- Handwriting workshops
- How to spot motor and coordination problems in children
- Identifying speech and language delays in children
- Legalities of IDEA and due process
- Introduction to related services (What they are and when they are needed)
- Executive functioning in the classroom, a model for all ages
Please share your training requests with us! Our team will tailor trainings to your team’s needs.